Something to Ponder: The Three Most Powerful Words in The World

Timothy Kelly
Oct 16, 2021


If genuine, they could stop a war

They have the power to heal almost any wrong.

They provide comfort when they originate from the heart.

They have the ability to lessen the pain that we feel.

They have the capacity to begin the process of forgiveness.

If genuine, they could stop a war,

avoid a fight,

mend a friendship,

save a marriage from ending.

Three simple but amazingly powerful words.

Have you caused someone pain?

Did you say something you regret?

Did you do something utterly shameful?

Did you break someone’s heart?

Try this.

Say: I am sorry.

And mean it.



Timothy Kelly

A retired private equity professional with extensive leadership experiences with several world-class companies. Lawyer, MBA, and PhD in Psychology.